Gogeta Vs Vegito Gogeta Ssj4 Animated Gif

Gogeta Vs Vegito Gogeta Ssj4 Animated Gif


  • one Broly Being The Strongest
    • 1.ane =========================================================================================================
  • two Gogeta's Speed
  • 3 Colours
  • 4 Look at this!
  • 5 Gogeta's power level
  • 6 Facial structure
  • 7 Galick Kamehameha
  • 8 Is there SSJ4 Gogeta'due south vocalism in Blue Water?
  • nine Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta - Strongest character in all of fiction?
  • 10 Super Saiyan two?
  • xi Editing With Ultimate Blast:
  • 12 World Spirit Bomb
  • xiii Near his power level
  • 14 Future Gogeta
  • 15 Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta GT different from Movie Gogeta
  • 16 Gogeta's power level (Stated by Me)
  • 17 Gogeta SSJ2.
  • 18 What the bodily number of issue with this argument almost comparison Gogeta and Vegetto?
  • 19 Xeno Gogeta.
  • 20 How?
  • 21 Gogeta or Vegito? Who's stronger?
  • 22 Dissever?
  • 23 Gogeta all the same isn't canon (or at least every bit we know)
  • 24 His skin tone.
  • 25 Gogeta: BR
  • 26 New Gogeta
  • 27 Removal of Gogeta's shine VA
  • 28 BR Gogeta should be separated
  • 29 What does "BR" in the modern version Gogeta'due south name can mean?

Broly Being The Strongest

I recently got these infos from Japanese websites and heard some strange talk on Broly being the strongest character in entire DB universe even stronger than Gogeta SSJ4. Well this info says;




This quote kinda means Broly is strongest in ane on 1, hand to hand boxing since nobody fifty-fifty friction match the strength of Broly in the serial and movies therefore Koyama says he is the most fearsome and strongest of all characters in DB serial and and then on.

DVDガイドブック- 劇場版ㆍTVアニメも含めて設定上の最強はブロリー、正攻法では絶対勝てないと


And besides the DVD guidebook says within TV blitheness and manga and all the movies Broly's strength is recorded to be the virtually powerful character that nobody could shell on 1 on ane battle.






and plus the last role of this quote says Broly'due south strength is something that cannot be mesured and information technology is constantly rising and ascension.


Based on these infos well Japanese people says Broly is the strongest character who could outclass Gogeta 4 and they fight about these. I personally retrieve Broly can be beaten well by probably SSJ3 level or Ultimate Gohan would do. What do you guys call up about this?

The opinion of Japanese fans is no more official than the stance of English language fans. Unless Akira Toriyama (or as a stretch, perhaps Toei) was one of the ones who commented. -- Nonoitall.png t a l k c o n t r 21:17, fourteen October 2008 (UTC)

I dont know broly is really powerful only i thought hes more powerful then whatsoever z warrior in GT/End of Z, except for Piccolo Krillin yanmcha and tien. (Goten.GT1 21:04, 5 November 2008 (UTC))

Why would he be stronger than every Z fighter except Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha and Tien? That would hateful that Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha and Tien were stronger than Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks and Goten - which doesn't seem particularly believable to me. -- Nonoitall.png t a fifty thousand c o north t r 22:32, 5 Nov 2008 (UTC)

Dekoshu 22:34, v November 2008 (UTC) I hold with you there, Nonoitall. SS3 and SS4 can fight Broly.

Well, Maybe the fans aren't official, only a DVD guidebook (assuming it'south made past Toei, Shonen Spring, or Akira for that matter.) seems official enough to exempt Broly.

Gogeta's Speed

In Fusion Reborn, When Gogeta first appears, he is and then fast that his attacks can non be seen on the screen by more than so merely several calorie-free lines of color(I can't think of how to depict them) This was used again in GT to evidence his immense speed when he first appeared, but unlike the first time, when he appeared this fourth dimension, his attacks were completely invisable, and not even an afterwards-image of his attacks was shown on the screen, and the sheer force of his Punches is causing air to blast frontward at enough speed to beat Janemba'due south Breast in(Even Goku at SS3 was unable to practice this feat, with a double kick that caused Janemba to double over even at close range) to me, this indicates that Gogeta, in either of his forms, is the fastest Character in the Unabridged Series. His Power is defeniatly loftier too, only his speed seems to be higher then his Counter-part Fusion, I don't want to start an argument nigh the Fusion Stuff, because I have been in a ton of those, and they degrade into flaming, simply the merely other character in the series that managed to duplicate his feat of being fast enough to hit someone with the forcefulness of a punch without acctually hiting them was Ultimate Gohan, and he was much closer to Super Buu then Gogeta was to Janemba(right next to him compared to Gogeta's several meters). Speed isn't equal to power, then I'chiliad not maxim that Gogeta in his base form is as powerful equally a SSj4 or annihilation like that, I am saying that Gogeta is probably the Fastest Character in the serial. I tin can provide more examples as neccesary, but I believe that this fact should be mentioned somewhere on his article, equally it shows that, fifty-fifty compared to Gotenks, Vegito, or Ultimate Gohan,or either of the Super Sayian 4s Gogeta seems to outclass each ane of those characters in speed by a large Margin, if not in ability. We know that Vegito was equal to a Super Saain 3 when he was a Super Sayain, and it tin can't be considered a stretch to think Gogeta was on that level, just he was much faster then Vegito. 21:fourteen, ii December 2008 (UTC)

Dekoshu talk contrib 19:40, 2 December 2008 (UTC) That's right, apprehensive sir. Gogeta is much faster than Vegito. He has both immense speed and power, and Vegito is also immensely powerful.

While I am not arguing with Vegito's Ability, or Gogeta's, I just feel the Article should mention somewhere that he is probably the Fastest Character in the entire DBZ Universe, no thing what Media, in either form (Though his SSj course might be outclassed by some of the stronger GT Characters like Nouva) 21:14, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

The after paradigm play a trick on and technique of making a grapheme disappear is only a visual trick used by animators to give the illusion of a character who can motility at speeds that are hard to rail. This play a trick on is constantly reused, and altered in effect. It is used equally a relative comparison to another speed being used, so basically in scene A the animators may make character A utilise that animation play tricks, and make character B await slower. While in scene B where they don't use later on-image on C, but D uses information technology. All the same C is actually faster than A in this case. Still, C had no after-image used.
Basically after-paradigm, or disappearing characters is completely a visual trick. You lot cannot derive a fact like 'who is the fastest' out of whether someone uses after-image, disappears, or any.
That kind of thing is complete speculation, unless a canon source actually stated that one character is the fastest in the universe, so data like that has no reason to be on an encyclopedia. ~NOTASTAFF Daniel Friesen (DanTMan, Nadir Seen Burn down) (talk) Dec ii, 2008 @ 22:02 (UTC)

Dekoshu talk contrib 22:08, 2 December 2008 (UTC) I agree with you, merely isn't that unnecessary to put that in. Some of them are really the nigh fastest, so I can't but deny information technology.

We don't have to put anything in. What Dantman was proverb (or at least what I understood) is that we don't have any concrete show to back up the idea that Gogeta is the fastest character in the universe. (His fast movement in battle is just an effect that doesn't really tell us annihilation other than he is moving faster than his opponent.) Anyway, we don't demand to deny that he'southward the fastest character. (That as well would lack whatsoever concrete evidence.) We just can't insert a claim that he is. -- Nonoitall.png t a l k c o n t r eleven:07, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Then we can't really say that his SSj4 Class is stronger then anybody else in the series (Which is said), considering he never Fights Broly, or Hidregun, or Janemba, or even Krillin or Tien, and it could be that he isn't actually stronger and so them, it just seems that way because he fights someone so much weaker then him, and, using the aforementioned technique that they utilize on Gogeta in the Movie, is but APPEARING to be stronger the near others 19:05, eleven December 2008 (UTC)

What'southward written in the article is "His speed in this grade is the greatest seen in the series, being so fast non fifty-fifty the viewer tin can see his movements." That is a 100 percentage true, since we equally viewers cannot see him moving, while every other grapheme is seen moving, whether it be after-image, hyperspace, or annihilation else of the sort. But Gogeta conspicuously isn't. --Dranzer Neos eighteen:59, 12 December 2008 (UTC)
And furthermore, saying that SSj4 Gogeta is not stronger than Broly or Hirudegarn or Janemba are, no offense, is just plain stupid. Broly might be a challenge, since his Legendary Super Saiyan form increases his ability the longer he stays in that form, so he could testify to be a match if he sticks effectually for long enough. But Hirudegarn, who was beaten past SSj3 + Dragon Fist, is obviously no match for the Fusion of 2 Super Saiyan 4s. And Janemba doesn't even come shut. If he was beaten by normal Super Gogeta, he doesn't stand up a hazard confronting Super Gogeta four. Same goes for the residuum. If they were beaten by weaker forms of the fusees or weaker characters than Gogeta, than they don't compare. That makes it obvious that Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is the strongest character in the anime series. --Dranzer Neos twenty:54, 12 December 2008 (UTC)
You lot know, I agree with all of these things except for Broly'due south LSSJ grade definitely being browbeaten by SSJ4 Gogeta. I mean, we don't really have any existent basis that SSJ4 Gogeta is able to defeat LSSJ Broly (particularly since they fabricated it quite articulate that the two defeats on Broly'southward function were because of luck, and dumb luck while we are at it.). Heck, for all we know, SSJ4 Gogeta could take just as easily accept been beaten to a consummate pulp past Broly. That's also the reason why I felt we can't really say that he's much stronger than Super 17 (Equally a matter of fact, at one point in the Super 17 article, in that location was a statement that Super 17 was arguably even stronger than Omega Shenron due to his energy absorption skills as well as the fact that he was defeated due to a technicality in regards to his ability rather than by actual skill.). My suggestion, we remove Broly's LSSJ grade and Super 17 from those that could be browbeaten by SSJ4 Gogeta, only we continue it as is (Since, really, it'south kinda obvious that he's stronger than the ones on there (Gogeta is Goku and Vegeta'south fused form [by Fusion Dance], Ultimate Gohan couldn't fifty-fifty beat Super Buu, whileas only Vegito (another Goku/Vegeta fusion) stood a hazard, Baby wasn't able to defeat SSJ4 Goku, meaning he couldn't even lay a finger on SSJ4 Gogeta, Majin Buu won't be able to handle SSJ4 Gogeta if they e'er fought, same with Uub/Majuub, and the Fight with Omega Shenron kinda proved who was superior (in fact, had the fifteen-minute fusion not ran out at 15 minutes, and had SSJ4 Gogeta actually fought seriously, he probably would have apartment-out killed Omega Shenron.).).
The somewhat humorous remark was fabricated a while back that Broly would undoubtedly take been weaker than SS4 Gogeta, as if he wasn't, there would be no point to the Z fighters messing effectually with fusion and SS4 — they could just become an SS2 and a regular Super Saiyan with spiritual support from their dead dad to defeat the villain. (A reference to Gohan, Goten and Goku, who defeated Broly.) It'southward not exactly Daizenshuu grade textile, only information technology does brand sense in a funny way. Anyway, I don't really care whether Broly'southward name is there or not. (The exhaustive list of all the characters weaker than Gogeta never seemed that necessary to me.) That's just the reason I never bothered to remove the name myself. :-) -- Nonoitall.png t a 50 yard c o north t r x:59, viii February 2009 (UTC)
Guys, this whole discussion is pointless. We couldn't run across Goku move AT ALL as early on every bit in his fight confronting Jeice and Burter, and his powerlevel was 90,000 at that signal. Does information technology hateful he'south faster than his Super Saiyan form, only because we didn't see him do stuff exactly like that in that course? No, he isn't. In the DBZ universe, speed is usually proportional to the power, so the powerlevel is likewise an accurate indicator of the warrior's speed (with the exception of people who are exceptionally heavy and bulky, like Ultra Super Saiyans). Every bit said earlier, what we as viewers see doesn't reflect the true speed of the warriors, it's simply meant to be RELATIVE. Super Saiyan Gogeta was enough to easily beat Janemba, merely we don't know how powerful he was, e.g. whether he was stronger than Ultimate Gohan or even SS3 Gotenks, but if he is, he is also faster. If he'due south non stronger than them, it also ways he's slower, elementary as that. Xfing 17:04, February four, 2012 (UTC)


Hey, I noticed that Gogeta's hair and eyes are denoted by coloured boxes. Could someone delight transport me a link or something to a page where I can get the codes of those colours? --Dranzer Neos 12:21, thirteen December 2008 (UTC)

wouldnt Gogetas base form hair color be red,since that's the color he has at ssj4(ssj4 tranformations uses the original hair colour if i'm not mistakin) then again fat gogetas pilus was black...something to think about i guess.like it even matters what colour his pilus is XD72.197.63.163 03:eighteen, 25 January 2009 (UTC) When you look at Vegito's hair it's a mix of blackness and dark brown, the combination of the colours brand the hair seem like a maroon brownish which has a hint of cerise and since Vegito is the Potara counterpart of Gogeta that is possibly why (Nubescout 01:45, 14 Apr 2009 (UTC)).

Await at this!

I was just looking at some Dragonball Z pictures and when i saw Gogeta and Vegeto they looked similar brothers! Vegerot xix:12, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

File:Gogeta vegeto brothers.jpg


Gogeta'due south power level

I was sure Gogeta's power level in his Super Saiyan land is supremely loftier. Hirudegarn has a ability level. Vegito has a exceedingly high and complex power level. Raditz has a power level, Goku has a ability level, and fifty-fifty Gohan has a power level. Dekoshu talk contrib 15:51, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

Yes, considering the series has attributed power levels to those characters; please don't submit unfounded power levels. Storm Z Ball.svg talk projects 19:54, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

Facial structure

I'm having trouble coming to an conclusion about who Gogeta resembles because in his Super Saiyan 1 and 4 forms he looks similar Goku, but information technology says that he looks more similar Vegeta. --LocC 09 15:12, 23 March 2009 (UTC)

Nevermind, he looks much more like Vegeta just when he has his serious confront on. --LocC 09 19:32, 23 March 2009 (UTC)

Galick Kamehameha

I think Gogeta super saiyan can employ Galick Kamehameha because no one ever employ this attack and it will come in budokai tenkaichi iv.

I recollect that if Gogeta'due south basic form is put in the game nevertheless lone if information technology even comes out then the Gallick Kamehameha should be given to him as his beginning blast ii (Nubescout 11:28, xiv April 2009 (UTC)).

I guess that remains to exist seen. -- Nonoitall.png t a fifty thousand c o northward t r 07:46, eighteen April 2009 (UTC)

Could it be mistaken by Last Kamehameha [EvolutionMaster] 24/May/2009

Is there SSJ4 Gogeta'southward voice in Blue Water?

Personally, I like FUNIimation's unique bandage. Is in that location a voice role player played SSJ4 Gogeta on GT's Blue Water Dub? Goku ssj4 kamehameha.jpg SPVII Logo New.jpg SilverPlaqueVII;talk contrib SPVII Logo New.jpg Vlcsnap-2009-12-24-23h25m18s113.jpg 22:fifty, Dec 8, 2009 (UTC)

Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta - Strongest character in all of fiction?

What practise you guys think? SaiyanZ 01:41, Feb 19, 2010 (UTC)

Hate to exist "that guy", merely this topic needs to be moved to a forum. The article talk pages are but for discussing controversial changes. -- Kamehameha.jpg . 10X .Ka . me . ha . me . ha . . . . . talk . . . . . contrib . 02:32, February 19, 2010 (UTC)

Nah, it'south fine, it is actually a benefit since now I know when and where to put topics similar these :D. But, I don't know how to movement information technology, tin you tell me? Do I but start a new topic over again? SaiyanZ 03:39, Feb xix, 2010 (UTC)

Go to forums, Kame House, and then make full in the "Add new topic" bar and click to add information technology. This will create a forum folio most whatsoever you lot want. -- Kamehameha.jpg . 10X .Ka . me . ha . me . ha . . . . . talk . . . . . contrib . 03:44, February xix, 2010 (UTC)

Thank you SaiyanZ 02:50, February xx, 2010 (UTC) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! I WAS Here!!! :D

Super Saiyan 2?

Isn't he a Super Saiyan 2 in the moving-picture show? He has lightnings arround him and look more SSJ2 than an SSJ1, and then I remember he is a SSJ2 in the Movie--SoranPanoko 16:49, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

Some people recollect that,but information technology'due south the same way he looks when he's SS1, minus the extra lightning in the aureola (which people like Goku take occasionally in base and Super Saiyan form). More importantly, information technology's been officially stated that Gogeta has no Super Saiyan ii form. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . K a . thousand e . h a . yard due east . h a . . . . . t a l k . . . . . c o n t r i b . 20:57, August ix, 2010 (UTC)

Editing With Ultimate Nail:

Alright, why won't yous let me put in that Gure is Gogeta'southward half-sister-in-law? Bardock.jpg NomadMusik Talk Fanon Wiki Bardock.jpg

Not certain who you're talking to, but that sounds like a big stretch and not worth having. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . Thousand a . grand due east . h a . m e . h a . . . . . t a l one thousand . . . . . c o north t r i b . 00:26, June 28, 2012 (UTC)

World Spirit Flop

Could Gogeta practice the World Spirit Bomb since it is Goku's technique? Black Ronin8 (talk) 04:59, July 28, 2012 (UTC)Black Ronin8

Nearly his ability level

Await, I know it's not exactly our job to betoken out how improbable a ability level is, and not a lot of people take the 5-Spring numbers for Gogeta and Broly seriously (Cooler's is fine though), but come up on. We should at to the lowest degree betoken out on this folio that the math doesn't add upward. SS3 Goku < Janemba. Gogeta > Janemba. Gogeta: ii.5 billion. Super Saiyan Goku: way more than 470 million (since he shell Cooler). A Super Saiyan 3 is eight times as powerful as a Super Saiyan. And so over 470 million x 8 = way over 3.76 billion, meaning Super Saiyan 3 is actually stronger than Gogeta, which plainly isn't true.-- 05:57, March 11, 2013 (UTC)

We use official sources over original inquiry. Original research (sometimes abbreviated OR) means a fan used logic or math rather than a published statement. That'south not to say that your math is bad by any ways, just that sometimes anime logic or math is fuzzy and we have to stick with that rather than second guess information technology. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . One thousand a . yard e . h a . yard e . h a . . . . . t a l chiliad . . . . . c o northward t r i b . 22:20, March 11, 2013 (UTC)

Future Gogeta

Im fairly sure that in one game there is a scenario where you lot fight Future Prison cell as Futurity Trunks, who and then decides he wil enter the earth torunament after his globe has been restored. You lot then do this mission and fight Futurity Goku and Hereafter Vegeta, who fuse into Future Gogeta, who eventually forfeits the battle since they relalise their power would destroy the planet - just I cannot remember the game.Neffyarious (talk) 04:57, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

Budokai Tenkaichi 1. He fights SSJ4 Gogeta at the tournament but wins. I'm not sure if information technology's actually a Future Gogeta, considering both Goku and Vegeta are dead and GT possibly never happened in Trunks' timeline. Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 15:31, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta GT different from Movie Gogeta

In that location's this i inconsistency I can't grasp. SS4 Gogeta is not the same entity every bit the picture show Gogeta, is it? I mean, the SS4 was in GT and SS Gogeta was in the Fusion Reborn pic. Neither connected by canon. How is SS4 Gogeta even the same character every bit Motion picture Gogeta? Aren't they inherently different entities? Is their name the only thing in common? - Zarbon by raykugen-d2ygchz.png PrinceZarbon talk contrib Zarbon ava3.gif 17:26, Nov 18, 2013 (UTC)

Well, both are fabricated by Goku and Vegeta with the Fusion Dance. Technically I think they are the same person. Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 18:26, Nov 18, 2013 (UTC)
How are they the aforementioned character though? I is created in the show and the other is created in a picture show. I seriously call back the only congruence is the name itself. It's like proverb Vegito is the aforementioned as Gogeta if SS4 Gogeta is the same character equally Motion-picture show Gogeta because all were created as fusion between Goku and Vegeta. - Zarbon by raykugen-d2ygchz.png PrinceZarbon talk contrib Zarbon ava3.gif 20:43, November xviii, 2013 (UTC)
so you lot desire us to first creating seperate articles for movie characters GBV6.jpg I am GBV5.jpg GokuBrolyVegeta. GBV7.jpg

twenty:48, Nov 18, 2013 (UTC)

Then Garlic Jr from the movie is unlike from the one from DBZ. It'due south the same logic you used :P Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 21:04, November 18, 2013 (UTC)

Mayhap Fusion provides different results? Like rolling 2 dice; you're not always going to go the same two numbers (in other words, maybe Fusion is slightly different during the fusing of the ii warriors each time?). Although that'due south just speculation, I estimate...

Aside from one existence much more cocky than the other, I don't see much deviation between Fusion Reborn Gogeta and GT Gogeta. SS7S Le talk 21:12, November 18, 2013 (UTC)

I disagree. Garlic Junior is the exact aforementioned grapheme. Different characters are Majin Buu, Super Buu, Kid Buu, and Evil Buu. Just because they sprung from the same entity, doesn't make them the same graphic symbol. This is the same reason why information technology is very highly likely that SS4 Gogeta GT is not the same every bit SS Gogeta movie. I already always hated the thought of fusion in general, which is why I prefer split characters and entities. Fusion and Assimilation are 2 of the near annoying and worst ideas to me in DB in general, particularly for the destruction of entities as divide characters. - Zarbon by raykugen-d2ygchz.png PrinceZarbon talk contrib Zarbon ava3.gif 21:14, November eighteen, 2013 (UTC)

He was just in a dissimilar transformation. When Buu saga Goku transforms into SSJ3, he is the same Goku that turns Great Ape in Sleeping Princess, right? Right~! I don't know why y'all brought this up and why you call up they are different :P Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 21:19, November 18, 2013 (UTC)

For about ten different reasons, but most importantly, because they act absolutely null alike and are created in two different instances from each other. Additionally, one is canon to the GT series and the other is film only. It's very possible they are separate entities every bit all of Buu's forms are separate entities. In Japan, Buu is simply credited every bit Buu for all his forms, but we all know information technology is not the same graphic symbol. I think the merely two things they take in common overall is the fact that they were both created by a Vegeta and Goku fusion and the fact that they share the name. Vegito is too created by a fusion between those two so I think the only real congruence is the name itself. - Zarbon by raykugen-d2ygchz.png PrinceZarbon talk contrib Zarbon ava3.gif 21:23, Nov 18, 2013 (UTC)
Actually Buu is separated besides, but differently. Fatty Buu is Majin Buu, Super Buu is Majin Buu (evil), Kid Buu is Majin Buu (pure), and Evil Buu is Majin Buu (pure evil).
But anyway, GT evidently consider all movies into its continuity. We run into Cooler emerging from Hell, for case.
Vegito is made by Potara, a different fusion arrangement. The dance creates Gogeta. Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 21:31, November 18, 2013 (UTC)
Proverb that the trip the light fantastic is the only reasoning behind them is going back to square one. And none of Buu's characters are the same. All fifty-fifty go about fighting each other, be it in the concrete airplane or in the heed. And about GT, none of the events that transpire in GT actually connect to the Z movies. Nearly of the Z movies are non-canon bated from the Bardock moving-picture show, Trunks special, and the Garlic Inferior flick. Everything else is non-catechism to GT. They only inserted near of the villains for fun gene. - Zarbon by raykugen-d2ygchz.png PrinceZarbon talk contrib Zarbon ava3.gif 21:39, Nov eighteen, 2013 (UTC)
They practise act alike though, Gogeta keeps farting in Janemba's confront when the fusion goes wrong and he says he will brand his "ultimate technique" merely just runs away. And when the fusion goes right, he is similar "game's on, motherducker!".
In your logic, then peradventure SSJ3 Gotenks from Buu saga is different from SSJ Gotenks from Boxing of Gods also becusa movies r not canon or something :P Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 22:07, November 18, 2013 (UTC)

They seem the aforementioned to me. Gogeta is the effect of a correctly performed fusion between Vegeta and Goku. Irresolute from Super Saiyan to super Saiyan iv should not make him a unlike character anymore than Goku transforming from Super Saiyan to Saiyan 4. I think Garlic Jr. was a pretty good example of a grapheme that is both in a movie and on Television. In fact, most main characters are in both. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . K a . m due east . h a . chiliad due east . h a . . . . . t a l k . . . . . c o northward t r i b . 00:23, November 19, 2013 (UTC)

yay 10x agrees! now would you put this page together with this or go on them separately? Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 00:38, November 19, 2013 (UTC)

Deplorable, I strongly disagree with the mentality that characters who announced in both series and movies have annihilation to practise with fusions that are inherently created in both in two different instances. For i, Gogeta is created in the pic and doesn't appear in whatever of the series and SS4 Gogeta is created in the GT series and doesn't appear in anything else other than that. Neither crosses over in either case so Garlic Jr. logic does not apply hither. I similar him in the picture and the serial equally he's plain the aforementioned exact grapheme. In the instance of Gogeta SS4 v Gogeta SS, it seems similar the character isn't the aforementioned character simply shares the aforementioned proper name due to being a fusion betwixt Vegeta and Goku in full general. And no, I won't be fusing articles anytime shortly as this is the reason why I started the debate in the first place. I'yard going to find some Japanese links that dictate the differences, because I had washed then in the past but have lost the links a while dorsum. - Zarbon by raykugen-d2ygchz.png PrinceZarbon talk contrib Zarbon ava3.gif 00:46, November xix, 2013 (UTC)

PZ, could you lot elaborate on why you retrieve that the fusion trip the light fantastic produced ii different characters? I am trying to understand your signal of view better. Nosotros see Vegito created past the Potora earrings, so there the method of fusion was different. We see Veku created when the fusion dance is performed incorrectly rather than correctly. Gogeta is created twice past identical, correct instances of the fusion trip the light fantastic. I know that one was a movie and was was TV, but since information technology does non utilize to Garlic Jr., that is apparently not plenty past itself. Nosotros know that Goku is still Goku whether he is in his base form or Super Saiyan 4. We know that Goku is still himself when he is kind-hearted and the protector of the innocent, or ruthless and battle-minded when he kickoff transforms on Namek, or even a playful child in GT. Ruling out a deviation in the method of fusion, a difference in the media in which Gogeta appears, a difference in transformation, and a difference in personality, what would exist the reason to consider him as 2 characters rather than but one? -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . K a . m e . h a . g e . h a . . . . . t a l thousand . . . . . c o n t r i b . 03:14, November 19, 2013 (UTC)
I agree i hundred percent with everything y'all said. This is why I detect information technology rather confusing. I said before I had constitute actual manufactures about SS Gogeta and SS4 Gogeta being dissimilar. I am having trouble finding them right now. However, I remember that for some reason, the SS Gogeta in the picture was created to be a flick-universe exclusive character while the SS4 Gogeta is created for GT. This is something I saw in Japanese translated articles because information technology baffled me as well since both were coincidentally created by a fusion betwixt Goku and Vegeta albeit existence formed from Super Saiyans versus Super Saiyan 4 fusion techniques. I think the articles I had read stated that the differences stemmed from the fact that the fusions were performed when each of the fusees were in their basic forms in the picture show and in the SS4 forms in GT, which created these differences. Believe me, I don't want to contend about this because I dislike both these concepts and I'd much rather not discuss them if information technology were upwardly to me, just I have to take these into consideration because I am working on the collectible manufactures and need to know the differentiation if I am going to be fusing the manufactures or not. - Zarbon by raykugen-d2ygchz.png PrinceZarbon talk contrib Zarbon ava3.gif 04:43, November 19, 2013 (UTC)

Discussion seems to be over, merely just to brand sure, read here:

"During Dragon Brawl GT, when Goku and Vegeta equally Super Saiyan 4's could not beat Omega Shenron, Vegeta suggests fusion, with Goku laughing, surprised that Vegeta is the one who suggested it, hating the idea on previous occasions."

This sort of proves that they fused at to the lowest degree once (could mean Vegito, only anyway,) if they didn't, in that location would be no way for Vegeta to know how to do the fusion dance. Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 22:27, November 19, 2013 (UTC)

They were referring to Vegito in that example equally he still did not want to perform the trip the light fantastic toe and it was refused by Vegeta on both occasions although he submitted both times. I'm already fusing the information because I don't have the patience to deliberate near the fusions every bit I detest them as well much. - Zarbon by raykugen-d2ygchz.png PrinceZarbon talk contrib Zarbon ava3.gif 22:49, November nineteen, 2013 (UTC)
This is kind of late just technically the Trunks special can't be cannon because in the manga in that location'southward a chapter showing Trunks as a Super Saiyan before Gohan was killed, and information technology's almost incommunicable for Garlic Jr. to be cannon because Krillin meets Gohan in the moving picture, and so later has no idea who Gohan is at the Kame House, and the Dragon Balls were used which would make them inert and Goku even said he had been collecting the Dragon Assurance so it wouldn't make sense considering Goku wouldn't exist able to observe the 3 Dragon balls he already had since they wouldn't work after Garlic Jr. used them. I idea the administrators should know this too.. SSJ3Vegeto (talk) twenty:41, September 18, 2014 (UTC)

Read the Manual of Manner section on canon. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . One thousand a . m e . h a . thousand e . h a . . . . . t a l k . . . . . c o north t r i b . 05:23, September 19, 2014 (UTC)

i adopt to put the dbz movies in the aforementioned position as filler the biggest evidence of this is the garlic jr saga which is nothing only filler that also refers to the events of the first dbz movie since gt doesn't have a manga i but adopt to call back of it as filler to dbz which every bit i see it goku and vegeta recall the events of fusion reborn which is how they were able to do the fusion dance roughly 16 or 21 years later after their 2d try at information technology confronting janemba 0551E80Y (talk) 16:44, December 12, 2014 (UTC)

The boxing against Garlic Jr. is mentioned in the manga. Don't go so wrapped upwardly in things canceling each other out. The intent of the series is to entertain us, not the chronologically list events perfectly. As such, we should just be documenting events, not trying to artificially insert organization. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . K a . thou e . h a . m eastward . h a . . . . . t a fifty grand . . . . . c o n t r i b . 22:07, Dec 12, 2014 (UTC)
Where this mention in manga?-- Date 450190486.png 08:15, December 13, 2014 (UTC)

I think it's when Super Buu escapes from the Fourth dimension Chamber, and so he destroys the Picket. Piccolo says "Completely ruined... once again!"; because it's also destroyed when they fight with Garlic Jr. Yakon Render.png Sandubadear Pui Pui Render.png 16:27, Dec thirteen, 2014 (UTC)

There is too Cooler who makes an appearence in GT and he'south a movie character the same as gogeta and then it implies that at least the fifth dbz movie happened in the past going by GT Conception0551E80Y (talk) thirteen:35, December 16, 2014 (UTC)

Gogeta'southward ability level (Stated by Me)

Hi people, my name is Carlos and i'yard Brazilian, today i'll show my version of Gogeta's power level, retrieve, i'll not consider V-Jump because it doesn't make sense, ok, so let's go

Well, the but matter that state Gogeta's power except Five-Spring is Toei Animation, that in a DBGT Guide Volume states that SSJ4 Gogeta is dozens of times SSJ4 Goku's 1, then that ways that the Fusion multiplier is from 10 to 100, let'south consider here 100, but, i believe Full Ability is like Rivality from Vegito (4x regular power), using this logic for Base of operations, SSJ, and SSJ4 Gogeta, would exist similar that (Click to enlarge, outdated):

So, if we use this logic form Goku's strongest Z power level officially stated, we have this, base Gogeta is 100X Base of operations Goku's power, more than 4x plus (three.000.000), nosotros have (SSJ3 Goku'due south tier), Super Gogeta is 100X SSJ Goku's ability level, more 4x plus (150.000.000), we have (Stronger than SSJ4 Z Goku only weaker than SSJ4 GT Goku), and SSJ4 Gogeta'southward one is 100X Z SSJ4 Goku's one, more 4x plus (, the consequence is ii.880.000.000.000 (Stronger than Beerus and Whiss) and that is Gogeta's ability level in my opinion, i promise yous liked and good bye.  Mlgkarp exercise capiroto (talk) 17:45, January 26, 2016 (UTC)Carlos

Fusion - HAAAAH.jpg
Ok first off sign your talk page mail, second off you lot practice know I when you lot are talking about yourself is suppose to be capitalize, and third off this is a place to talk nearly editing problems your post is better in a weblog or forum. Goku20 Talk ULTRA DBZ ULTRA POKEMON  23:25,ane/25/2016
Dozens of times doesn't mean x to 100 times. In my opinion information technology is much more than that. Omega is already 10 times stronger than syn, who in turn was stronger than a normal ssj4 KennethTL (talk) 01:xiv, January 26, 2016 (UTC)

Gogeta SSJ2.

Mind if I change his pic to this?

Gogeta SSJ2.png

Rogeta234 (talk) 16:26, March eight, 2017 (UTC)

I don't know, certain the picture shows his full body, merely it'due south too blurry and the face up looks disfigured. ~ Yon ~ Want to join my army? Visit my talk page! nineteen:12, March eight, 2017 (UTC)

Well, tin someone at the very least brand a full torso image of the one we currently?Rogeta234 (talk) 18:21, March 30, 2017 (UTC)

I hold that must exist done. VegitoSS.png Vegito SSJ4.jpg SSJ4 Vegeta.jpg Goku,Vegeta,Gogeta,Vegito.jpg Supreme gogeta Goku,Vegeta,Gogeta,Vegito.jpg Ss4goku anime.jpg Ss4GOGETA.jpg Gogeta photo.jpg 18:26, March 30, 2017 (UTC)

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that. I'd exercise it myself, but I'm not sure how.Rogeta234 (talk) 19:31, March 30, 2017 (UTC)

What the bodily number of issue with this statement nigh comparison Gogeta and Vegetto?

I inquire because i seing a lot of fakes with battle power statements, very plausible fakes-- Appointment 450190486.png 17:29, May 24, 2017 (UTC)

Sadly the Only official statement of their power is this http://www.daizex.com/general/inquire/annal/2004_08_29.shtml#4 i like Veget more Gogeta but i pretent Gogeta is slightly weaker than his "blood brother" ^^'

Yous can likewise accept the DBZ movie 12 ending theme ("The mightiest fusion) equally a "Fact" since this movie aired After Veget already apeared in the manga, however information technology'south just Toei being high on Gogeta kunBH Ouji (talk) 05:05, June 10, 2017 (UTC)

Xeno Gogeta.

Well, it looks like Gogeta is getting the Xeno treatment too. https://www.db-z.com/super-dragon-ball-heroes-five-gogeta-xeno/ Though it ticks me off that they tin can't utilize him in his base form! Just give it to him already!Rogeta234 (talk) twenty:58, June eight, 2017 (UTC)

Oh god, non some other t-shirt below the vest, fusion dance doesn't work that manner, stupid BandaiBH Ouji (talk) 05:09, June 10, 2017 (UTC)


I hateful just cause SSJ4 Gogeta slowed down his movement doesn't brand him the strongest. But the ten years does....ish. As far as we know. Merely cause Gogeta appeared afterwards on doesn't make him stronger. PLUS Power levels take to be the same. SSJ4 is basically a zenkai.

Yes it makes - Super Yi Shinron is the well-nigh powerfull entity that Z Warriors faced - and Gogeta destroyed him-- Date 450190486.png 05:09, July 26, 2017 (UTC)
Yeah, even Vegito1089 confirmed that SSJ4 Gogeta is the strongest DB characterBH Ouji (talk) 12:17, July 26, 2017 (UTC)
Who the hell is that noname?-- Date 450190486.png 12:18, July 26, 2017 (UTC)
Hahahahaha are y'all talking about Vegito1089? Hahahahaha serves him right! Also information technology'southward him https://www.youtube.com/user/Vegito1089BH Ouji (talk) 04:58, July 27, 2017 (UTC)

I mean, what of well-nigh how each fusion uses the multiplier? I mean Potara is very easy. Fusion Dance..eh. Potara multiplies the fusee'southward ability level. Fusion Dance---seems more similar calculation...

Gogeta or Vegito? Who'due south stronger?

Betwixt the two, it seems equally though Gogeta is stronger. Just when using the multiplier, it seems every bit though Vegito is stronger. Hither is what I remember of how information technology goes:

FUSION DANCE: Goku'southward Ability Level + Vegeta'southward Power Level x Multiplier of the transformation

          =SAME Power Level========================        

POTARAN: Goku'due south Power Level 10 Vegeta's Power Level x Multiplier of the transformation

At present for the games. Now in Extreme Butoden, it says Gogeta is DP 6 while Vegito is DP 3. But it seems more likely on attacks and use of it. Now Vegito's is a unproblematic attack, not major like Gogeta's. At present when you use information technology, it doesn't add up. Fusion Trip the light fantastic toe has to exist aforementioned power level. Potara can be used to multiply that by both fusee'south ability level. Thus Vegito Blue would be stronger than SSJ4 Gogeta. (And no, Gogeta SSJ4 wouldn't actually harm Zamasu. Don't believe AnimationRewind sometimes....)

--Iso33 (talk) twenty:21, August 4, 2017 (UTC)-

There is an official commodity about Vegetto and Gogeta published in Five-jump in xc's. Those fusions are born from  different types with different personality but at the aforementioned time events they are equal in ability.

Whatsoever the multiplier is is same for both type of fusions, be it like Goku * Vegeta or (Goku + Vegeta) * Fusion Multiplier.

Gogeta Omni (talk) fifteen:48, January 8, 2019 (UTC)

https://www.kanzenshuu.com/2018/12/04/new-erstwhile-translation-gogeta-vs-vegetto/ this confirms that Gogeta was indeed stronger than Vegetto/Veget/Vegito/Vegeku/Vegerot starting from his offset apearencesBH Ouji (talk) 10:38, Oct 6, 2019 (UTC)

Um why my statement of Gogeta being stronger than Vegetto removed? You guys are jealous of kanzenshuu? If and then then the argument was from the offical magazineBH Ouji (talk) 12:46, October 6, 2019 (UTC)

So, I restored your statement, SuperSaiyanDate removed it, but I don't know the reason, why.--Mgdodl (talk) 15:01, October 6, 2019 (UTC)

Split up?

And then because the reveal trailer, should this page exist split into an original and Super version of the graphic symbol, similar to Broly? Given his completely different origin story.

No, neither article should be split. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . K a . m due east . h a . m eastward . h a . . . . . t a l k . . . . . c o n t r i b . 03:14, November 30, 2018 (UTC)

Gogeta still isn't canon (or at least as we know)

Though Broly and Gogeta appear in the DBS motion picture, information technology is still uncertain that they are confirmed canon. For the to the lowest degree, it is a pic. A dragon brawl film. And when it comes to Dragon Brawl movies, they tin be non-canon. Like Fusion Reborn and Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan (these two movies are linked and is confirmed in the film of Fusion Reborn). Still, if a creator admits that Gogeta is canon, he is. And we get no word. I must admit the fandom seems hyped upwards for the "canon" Gogeta (which isn't surprising). If you wish to answer (and please no rude comments; be humanely- I messed that up in, similar, 2017).

If nosotros are going to be authentic - the give-and-take "catechism" isn't exist and tin't be applied to the "Dragon Ball" franchise in any ways. If we are talking most Toriyama's "blessing" merely - the film is blessed with his script, story and designs on the whole. It's Toriyama's story and this is a direct "Super" series continuation, which is also a Toriyama's story, which was said many times. Information technology's still non giving this sequels any connection to the original of course.-- Engagement 450190486.png 08:05, Dec nine, 2018 (UTC)

Broly has fabricated his debut in the Dragon Ball Super Manga. However, at the interest of this conversation; canon/non-canon - those words have are irrelevant on this wiki.--Fabricated upwardly Graphic symbol Wiki/Dragon Ball Fanon Wiki Admin Jack Jackson Things I do [modernistic] 00:41, Dec 10, 2018 (UTC)

His skin tone.

It can't exist said that the original Toei Gogeta has peach like skin in his proper base form when the franchise isn't even consequent on his skin tone. Prior to DBS Broly, Base Gogeta only ever appeared in Buu's Fury and one 2018 trading carte du jour. He had tan pare in Buu'south Fury, and the fact Gogeta's improper forms (skinny and fat aka Veku) take tan skin suggests proper base Gogeta would have information technology as well; proper base Gotenks and Fat Gotenks didn't have dissimilar skin from each other, so there's no reason why proper base Gogeta and fat Gogeta would have unlike skin. He simply has light skin in the 2018 trading card; one trading carte shouldn't be all that matters, especially because the fact it wasn't even fabricated by Toei. The fact is his pare tone isn't consequent, so it'due south incorrect to say that his skin tone is supposed to be peach. Information technology varies. Strawberries1 (talk) 22:12, Dec 9, 2018 (UTC)

Gogeta: BR

This Gogeta has an entirely dissimilar origin story from the original. Why practice nosotros, again, choose to consider them the aforementioned character? We already split the Broly's and the Paragus'southward. Why tin can't we dissever the two Gogeta's? ExyleCage (talk) 22:45, Dec 16, 2018 (UTC)

In that location'south no need to since GT is anime just and Fusion Reborn was moved to pic appearances. DragonEmeperor (talk) 00:03, December 17, 2018 (UTC)

Gogeta is Goku and Vegeta's not-Potara fusion. There is no reason to have multiple articles for it. Information technology has slightly dissimilar origins in many media versions, just having a different article for every character and item and technique in every media type would defeat the purpose of trying to compile info in the first identify. Might also just tell readers to go spotter/play/read everything themselves if nosotros got to that point. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . K a . grand e . h a . thousand e . h a . . . . . t a l yard . . . . . c o northward t r i b . 15:23, December 17, 2018 (UTC)

Gogeta: BR has never been said to be a unlike character from Gogeta, different with Broly and Broly: BR. --Neffyarious (talk) 17:03, December 17, 2018 (UTC)

It doesn't have to be said when the source textile very clearly shows 2 entirely different origins, flat out confirming they're two entirely dissever incarnations of the same character. But I concede.ExyleCage (talk) 17:07, December 17, 2018 (UTC)

I get what y'all mean, but that's not enough to warrant a change as many characters have different, depending on the media (Goku and Bardock immediately come to heed) and nosotros're not gonna divide all of them. --Neffyarious (talk) 17:11, December 17, 2018 (UTC)

Exactly why I've already conceded. ExyleCage (talk) 17:18, December 17, 2018 (UTC)

If Gogeta needs to have seperate articles to highlight his appearances in Fusion reborn and GT. So logically, his fusees, Goku and Vegeta need to as well, cos he cannot be without them. If neither of them have official sources that land them to be seperate carnations, in these appearences, from the mainstream line of events that happened in the franchise. Then Gogeta does non need to accept to exist seperated as well. For that reason, I am against this proposition. 0551E80Y (talk) 07:23, December 20, 2018 (UTC)

New Gogeta

In that location is a bit difference in design of Gogeta in Dragon Brawl Super: Broly Pic. That may be for the different art style of the animator. His personality also changed, rather than being besides serious similar in Fusion Reborn moving-picture show he appars to be enjoying fighting against Broly.

In that location is bit different in his signature moves every bit well. Gogeta uses Continuous Kamehameha or Stardust Fall  as a super saiyan, Continuous Energy Bullet or God Ki Barrage or Ki Blast Volley every bit super saiyan bluish and and throws a rainbow ki ball like the Stardust Breaker which just activates an explosion,an assault resembles Vegeta'south Super Explosive Wave or God Explosion Blast. He even used a terminal attack combining Goku's  Kamehameha with Vegeta's Gamma Burst Flash, what information technology's chosen ? Transcendent God Kamehameha?!!

Gogeta Omni (talk) 16:nineteen, January viii, 2019 (UTC)

That concluding 1 is purely headcanon and has no proof or merrit. Equally far as we know, it's but a normal Kamehameha Wave. ExyleCage (talk) 19:nineteen, January 13, 2019 (UTC)

That kamehameha is referred as Full-Strength Kamehameha by Kanzenshuu.

and use your signature.Gogeta Omni (talk) 17:23, January 13, 2019 (UTC)

Offset off, I was referring to the fact you said the Transcendent Kamehameha was a combination of Kamehameha and Gamma Burst Flash, of which y'all've no proof. And don't tell me to use my signature. I thought I did. ExyleCage (talk) 19:19, Jan thirteen, 2019 (UTC)

Removal of Gogeta's polish VA

LOL i like how you guys removed Gogeta VAs in the polish dub of Fusion RebornBH Ouji (talk) ten:35, Oct 6, 2019 (UTC)

Why don't yous add it back to the list of voice actors? I think it is important information to consider re-adding even though I am not fully aware of its removal. (Sosuagwu17 (talk) 10:44, October 6, 2019 (UTC))
OK i tryBH Ouji (talk) 12:39, October six, 2019 (UTC)

BR Gogeta should exist separated

Fifty-fifty V-Jump interview confirms clearly that this is not movie Gogeta. Information technology doesn't make whatever sense to compile them in one article - it just creates a conflict betwixt versions and simulated accusations that this is the aforementioned character who was in the movie when it's clearly not.-- Engagement 450190486.png 12:19, October 6, 2019 (UTC)

Where'southward your source? If you don't have an official source that wouldn't show your indicate and so Gogeta: BR in the Broly will remain in the Gogeta commodity until you provide a source that says that and see if nosotros can brand some changes on whether he should have a separate page for himself which the admins concluded that Gogeta: BR doesn't need a carve up page if you read the Gogeta: BR section. I personally feel a separate folio is not needed because only because Gogeta groundwork story is told different or slightly differently doesn't mean that they should have carve up pages until there is clear proof that the Gogeta in the Broly movie is not the same 1 in Fusion Reborn or Dragon Ball GT. And what exactly do yous mean by pic Gogeta every bit Gogeta has appeared in fusion reborn and broly which are both movies. (Sosuagwu17 (talk) 13:21, October half dozen, 2019 (UTC))

MY source if a V-Spring interview with Toriyama and picture show director, plain and unproblematic. It was excplicitly stated that "this is Toriyama'due south mod accept version of Gogeta".-- Date 450190486.png x:41, September three, 2020 (UTC)

gogeta is stronger than vegeto

proof: Information technology is stated past Hearts that Super Saiyan Bluish Gogeta has enough power to defeat Zeno.

booyahMatt7uhj (talk) 14:55, February 13, 2020 (UTC)

Yep we need to split up Broly Gogeta and Z/GT Gogeta. Broly Gogeta was stated to exist part of the canon and its disruptive with multiple Gogetas on 1 page Meshack (talk) 00:51, August 3, 2020 (UTC)

That is not enough to warrant a change and by the way canon doesn't apply to this wiki since the wiki uses the actual definition of canon which is any official source material or information related to a story which in this wiki's example is Dragon Brawl. Just considering the Gogeta from the Broly movie is stated to be part of the chief storyline and appears slightly different doesn't mean that he was non the same Gogeta in Fusion Reborn or GT. Considering both GT and Fusion Reborn are not-canon to the actual story and the Goku and Vegeta that appeared in them are considered the same as the ones from the master story, that should make the Gogetas from every media the same until it is proven that he'southward a unlike Gogeta from the Z or GT ane all together and there is no known source that says they are unlike. Information technology wouldn't make sense to divide them based on media, considering that would have to utilise with Goku and Vegeta in GT and Fusion Reborn since logically speaking Gogeta wouldn't exist without them and if Goku and Vegeta in the main story or fifty-fifty Broly were considered the same with the ones in Fusion Reborn and GT, then the Gogeta from Broly should be the same equally the 1 in GT and Fusion Reborn. Based on sure media every story for a detail character could be unlike than another one and sometimes not faithful or period with Toriyama's main storyline of the story and sometimes Toriyama contradicts himself and Dragon Ball is known to contradictory. Even with the Super anime and manga, the stories are told majority differently simply even so tells the same story but the characters are however considered the same because there is no information that says they are different incarnations. And Take Male monarch Vegeta or Bardock for case, their appearance and backstory in Broly is slightly different if not totally different from the backstory of their appearances in the original Z or even Bardock special but even so they are notwithstanding considered the aforementioned incarnations every bit their Z conunterparts including their sons that appeared in both Broly, Z and the Bardock Special. We are not going to split the page since no official information has ever stated that all incarnations of Gogeta that appeared in Z, GT or Super are non the same and they should not be changed since certain media may tell a story near a character differently from another media and nosotros are not going to carve up the page based on media storytelling differences until proven that they are different characters by an official source that states they are different. Mini Goku turns Super Saiyan.gif Sosuagwu17Talk Contributions  03:34,8/3/2020Mini Vegeta turns Super Saiyan.gif
Gogeta is 1 character. Splitting to ii articles would be extremely confusing for readers. It wouldn't make practical sense. -- SSJ4 Goku(2).jpg 10X . K a . one thousand eastward . h a . m e . h a . . . . . t a l k . . . . . c o n t r i b . 12:ten, August 4, 2020 (UTC)
Going on a previous give-and-take most this
"If Gogeta needs to have seperate manufactures to highlight his appearances in Fusion reborn and GT. Then logically, his fusees, Goku and Vegeta demand to as well, cos he cannot exist without them. If neither of them have official sources that state them to be separate carnations, in these appearences, from the mainstream line of events that happened in the franchise. So Gogeta does not need to take to be seperated every bit well. For that reason, I am against this suggestion. 0551E80Y (talk) 07:23, December 20, 2018 (UTC)"
if we split up DBS Gogeta from DBZ/GT Gogeta so we'd have to consider making separate Goku and Vegeta characters.--Jack Jackson DB Fanon/MUC Wiki admin [modernistic] 12:26, August four, 2020 (UTC)

DBS Broly was split because he was referred to as a "new Saiyan" (by promotional material) and a "unlike character from the previous Broly" (in an interview for the movie). Unlike Broly, Gogeta was not referred to in this manner as far as I know. --Neffyarious (talk) xiv:00, August iv, 2020 (UTC)

What does "BR" in the modern version Gogeta's proper noun can mean?

Well.-- Appointment 450190486.png x:37, September 3, 2020 (UTC)

It stands for "Broly", information technology just marks the character as being the version in the Broly movie. The media that use the suffix too give information technology to original characters from the movie like Cheelai and Lemo, and Heroes in particular uses it for every version of a character from the picture, including people like Goku and Vegeta, because it's specifically the artstyle being noted. Dominodalek (talk) 11:00, September 3, 2020 (UTC)


Gogeta Vs Vegito Gogeta Ssj4 Animated Gif

Posted by: cornetthopearabits.blogspot.com

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